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Listening Inn is an Interior Mission of Intimacy with Christ, with the Focus on Soul-caring and Soul-curing so that in doing this – to love God with all our soul, heart, strength and mind – we will live to the fullness of life to love our neighbors as ourselves along life's highways and byways.

GOD invites, “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.” Man replies, “No, that’s not the road we want!”

Jer 6:16

            Love longs for relationship and companionship with the beloved, but beloved prefers to turn in the opposite direction, and abandon the “good way” of Peace and Rest. But to allow love to sway us toward our Home is the “essence of prayer.”

            Prayer is not just the test of everything, but also its source and driving force.  When prayer is right, all things will be right.  The Road to Golgotha is one marked by generosity, insight and willingness to step into the pain of the world.

            “Come, my heart says, seek his face. Your face, LORD, do I seek” (Ps 27:8).  Embedded in the depth of biblical sensibility is an image of prayer suggesting all the richness and mystery of this path: To pray is “to stroke the face of God.”

            We seek God’s face by stepping into solidarity with the world we live in.  We stroke His face as one gingerly tracing the contours of God’s suffering love.  In the midst of hurt and hope, prayer draws us into the tender mutuality of trust and intimacy.

            Can it be that the relationships, dispositions and actions through which we are stroking God’s face are the very means by which God is stroking our face, ever so tenderly and persistently wearing away our masks and revealing our true appearance in the likeness of Christ?

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Lord, grant us this grace :
Ears to hear and eyes to see
Glimpses of Your Eternity
In the midst of our humanity

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

A virgin-heart so redeemed
Always with room in the Inn
To receive You within
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

The joy of angelic chorus
Heard by shepherds nameless
Now Your good news of Peace to witness

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Drawing those from afar in the dark
Your message of new life in a Spark
Nations worshiping You with treasure from the heart

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

As Your Church be a faithful guide
Full of Your Spirit, not human might
To live the “end time” now in daily stride
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


Welcome to Listening Inn


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.       ~Matthew 11:28

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