Listening Inn is an Interior Mission of Intimacy with Christ, with the Focus on Soul-caring and Soul-curing so that in doing this – to love God with all our soul, heart, strength and mind – we will live to the fullness of life to love our neighbors as ourselves along life's highways and byways.
“SEEING in the DARK” – drew out of me an excited attention while browsing in a 2nd hand
book shop during a road trip in Perth. In a culture of solar spirituality, there is a need for a
more integrative seeing which need include the lunar spirituality. For God made both the
light and the darkness.
In this season of growing uncertainty and unpredictability, where is our grounding?
In the time of increasing anxiety and mental instability, where is our anchor?
I am reminded of a text in Isaiah 50* – that even those who fear the Lord and walk in obedience
are not kept from the struggle and reality of darkness.
In these days of advancing geo-political, ecological, social, economic, mental & spiritual upheavals,
the world is in a blizzard. Added to this, the age of AI can hugely remove us from the Actual Immanuel,
God WITH us, and no amount of ChatGPT can replace this Reality.
In fact, God warns through Isaiah the danger and downfall of kindling our own man-made devices of
salvation and self-made torches and fire to remove the darkness.
Instead, God is inviting His people to trust Him wholeheartedly with radical reliance.
Jesus says in Luke 21:19 –
“By your endurance you will gain your souls” – with a patience that is empowered by the Holy Spirit.
In the blizzards of life and “dark night of the soul” lies the invitation:
Learning to walk in the dark and seeing God in darkness.
As C S Lewis once said,
“We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the Presence of God. The world is crowded with Him.
He walks everywhere incognito.”
We are not alone on this journey and we can learn through the stories and lives of those
who have gone before us and perhaps, like them, leave a trial for those behind us.
Will you come along and join us in one of these retreats with Jesus?
Who says to us, “Come unto ME…”!
Blessings of the Lord’s grace be upon one and all and upon our great earth
In Christ
Listening Inn
*Isaiah 50:10-11